The International Thespian Society
The International Thespian Society (ITS), founded in 1929, is an honorary organization for high school and middle school theatre students located at more than 4,900 affiliated secondary schools across America and abroad. The mission of ITS is to honor student achievement in the theatre arts. High school inductees are known as Thespians and junior high/middle school inductees are known as Junior Thespians. ITS is a division of the Educational Theatre Association (EdTA). (Source)
Become a Thespian
To become a thespian a student must obtain 10 Thespian Points by the end of the year, pay a $30 induction fee, and then continue to earn points in the program until they graduate. With this membership students are able to connect to a much larger group of group of Thespians across the country. Students who graduate as ITS members will receive cords at graduation and be able to put this on their resume/application for college. To maintain your membership you must participate in at least one main stage production outside of class.
Thespian Points
The high school Thespian point system provides the recommended number of points awarded for a specific assignment. Troupe directors may use their discretion in awarding points according to the student’s quality of work and cooperation. Quality may include the caliber of the work done and the educational value of the experience. The troupe director makes the final decision regarding the awarding of Thespian points. Below is the general suggested points we allot for each even students participate in.
10 hours of work = 1 Thespian Point
10 hours of work = 1 Thespian Point